You see, contrary to what certain portions of the industry would have you believe, women have not in fact taken over the music world at the expense of everything else. Rather, they are just starting to garner the slice of attention that constituting 50% of the population would generally suggest… As Paloma Faith puts it: „The whole of bloody history has been saturated by men for the last fucking however long! So don’t make it like we’ve suddenly appeared out of the woodwork – we were there already, it’s just that the business has decided to embrace talented women because they think they can sell us after years of boy indie bands staring at their trainers“.
Catherine AD reflektiert die aktuelle Musikszene auf ihrem Blog, die urplötzlich von Frauen wie Duffy, La Roux und Little Boots dominiert zu werden scheint. Doch man muss sich auch fragen, wie viel Berechnung der Labels dahinter steckt, gerade jetzt ihre „weibliche Seite der Musik“ zu entdecken…